Maze Generator
The program generates mazes using three standard algorithms:
Depth-first search, Prim's algorithm, and Kruskal's algorithm.
The Show Gen option will allow you to watch the construction
process. Use the scrollbar below the option to control the generation
Similarly, the Show Solve option will display the process
of solving the maze, and it too has a scrollbar for speed control.
The Backtracks option controls the display of dead-end
paths, where the solver backs up.
The Cycle button will loop the program indefinitely, generating
and solving mazes using the current settings.
NOTE: This applet will not run properly using
Microsoft's Internet Explorer 4 browser if Explorer's Java JIT compiler
is turned on. To turn it off, select Views from the menu bar, then
Options (or Internet Options) from the pull-down. Select
the Advanced tab, then look for a checkbox with the label Java
JIT compiler enabled. Uncheck the box and select OK.
Source code, maze facts, how to program your own maze,
and more, at Mazeworks.com